If you wanna see any of these in a larger resolution, just open them in a new tab!
Whenever possible, below each render, you'll find links to the social networks where you'll find the people illustrated in them. Please give them some love!

My first model of 2022 was a birthday present for Shakotsu. Back then she used an app called "Reality" for her VTuber model, and that's what I tried to recreate. Minecraft stages like this one have to be built block by block, so a detailed outdoor shot can be pretty hard to do. Indoors should present no problem, though!

An attempt at designing a swimsuit for Aruzeya. From the color scheme, you can tell it's inspired by several different penguin species (Emperor, King, and Northern Rockhopper specifically). I published this render upon hearing she was already working on a swimsuit design on her own, so I wanted her to know about mine before the final design was ready.

An anniversarry gift for Ceres. If you were a part of her community, you might remember an animated version with the sparkles gently falling down. ...I'm afraid that one could be a bit too heavy for this site.

Who would have thought sweet little Latte was a Rock'n'roll gal? As soon as I dound out, I had to improvise a shirt with the logo of one of her favorite bands!

An outfit for Ceres that few people got to see in its time: a one-piece swimsuit. As soon as I found out she would redebut under a new artist, I wanted to show off as many of the outfits I thought up for her old design as I could. I love how this photo came out in particular, with the moon rising in the background.

It's harder to make males than females in Koikatsu. Or at least, I find it as such. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try! Here we see Aikarey, whose voice... makes my ears vibrate in a very strange way.

The first render I made for Ceres after her redebut. The tactical details in her design inspired me to show her in an action pose, ready to fire at her target. I updated her model once more in late 2022, but it was more than clear she had cilently graduated by then.

A present for Maple Henshoku, who went on hiatus to continue her studies. Here we see her ready to enter her class, flanked by people from the games she played for us. And Elaine from Pokemon Let's Go, since she's a big Eevee fan!

Following a surprise stream from Yukkine Hoppou, we got to look at her "Casual Clothes". Just from the waist up, though. Here's my attempt to fill in the gaps and clue people into her lore. Look closely and you'll find some details...

Latte Ai, ready to dance! This outfit is based on an anecdote she told us about one of her presentations.

An answer to a challenge Lena left for us after a stream. We had to make a summer postcard... In February. With the Seasons gang, you never know what to expect.

April means Easter, which means bunnies! Especially Turin chocolate bunnies! Chocolate is candy, which makes me think of Suki Candy! ...Who has already graduated. Still, she's keeping on as an IRL content creator, so you still get someone to follow in the links below. Here's a fun fact for her community: all the outfits I designed for her were based on some sort of candy.¡Shoutouts to Sam Cosmyson for the scene!

Not much of a bunnygirl person? How about a catgirl instead? If Shakotsu looks different, it's because she had revealed her new model by then, drawn by Rouss Black! Turns out, she's my sister!¡And here's the scene BTW.

How about a bunny catgirl? Well, Bunny Orcat more like. The diamond pattern gives an air of elegance to Yuun's outfit, and I love how I gave texture to the transparent parts. This is the impact a tailor-made getup can have!And here's the scene.

The first render I ever signed was for Shion Rosenthal. This was a work following the rules of a contest, although I knew I wouldn't be able to enter since this is a 3D render and not a drawing. Here's when I learned that the environment can be as important as the character itself for a good shot.

By the way, Shion's a cosplayer, and occasionally shares her pictures with us. We once failed to complete a goal related to her Morrigan cosplay, though... So I decided to dress up her model instead!

A pair of idols, together onstage. This render was born from a desire to play around with the silhouette shader. One is clearly Maple Henshoku, but who is the other one...?

VTuber + Pirate = AHOY! ...OK, now for the serious explanation. Mimibits once said on stream that she wanted to draw herself as a pirate, or something along those lines. Whatever the reason, I think this is one of my best attempts at switching someone's color schemes. Red looks really good on her!

Someone once stopped by Amane's stream and said she looked like Cammy from Street Fighter. ...Aaaaaaand now I remembered something about the SF6 trailer. Excuse me for one sec.

Aruzeya is someone with mane faces. Cheerful on stream, sometimes showing a more reflexive side, and sometimes lonely. When she's got trouble, she tries not to let it show, but sometimes she drops a little detail or two. That human part of her makes her streams all the more beautiful.

A render that celebrates Yuun Kurosu's return to streaming. The water hides a clue about her future... And that's all you'll get from me. Shadows. At least until she finally makes her move.

Haruna, from VTuber group "Gravity". From the announcement of her existence, my head spun a thousand and one theories about her, but nothing could prepare me for what I found. This render is a welcome present for this cute little dragon into our VTubing community.

Once a month, Lena Summers dares her community with a point goal. The reward is usually some sort of special thematic stream at the end of the month. The most iconic one is the "Kawaii Stream", in which she isn't allowed to get mad at us or time us out. ...As soon as it's over, though, the shotguns fire.

And the one beside Maple was Aoimi, her personal OC / UTAU! I'm curious about her lore, but for now, all I can do is render her based on existing art.

Sometimes, life challenges us. And for a VTuber, there is no greater challenge than stolen equipment. Rose Azuki had her iPhone stolen, and yet, she's still around. She found a way to keep advancing. I really admire her determination in trying to see her goals through. When a star is in her grasp, she'll hardly let go of it.

RPG Maker fangames can be wild. ...I can't give any more context. Just Coobi asking Pierrot to become Meguca.

Summertime Render Set! I tried to group my friends and colleagues according to common traits, and this one needs no explanation if you've been paying attention to the gallery. Here's Viktoria carrying Liri into the skies, ready to snipe!

A squad formed by the children of Rouss Black! Latte and Shakotsu provide covering fire for Code Symbiotic and Jin Mori (yes, the God of High School-name isn't lost on me) to close in! Farsa isn't a child of Rouss, but he has connections with some of the people here, so I thought it appropriate to depict him as the squad's tank.

Nature is merciless, and you better pray if you find yourself facing the wrath of the four (five?) seasons. Yukkine's wintry powers freeze the water, opening the way for her team as Amane and Maple cover for her. Riten's strong arms should mean those water balloons pack quite a punch. And Lena just uses her flames to fly directly at her quarry!

Mia and Rose have always been close. There is no doubt in my mind that, in an event such as this one, they'd be covering each others' backs. I remember them responding on Twitter with phrases like "I wish this was real"... And they finally got a chance to meet face to face. May their friendship live on forever!

The girls from K-Waii, a spanish-speaking VTuber group. In "another life", this trio was part of my first contact with the VTubing world. I rushed the entire set just to get it done before their redebut.

Shion Rosenthal and Mimibits form "Team Spain", not just for their nationality, but for a show they used to host together. I originally wanted them to drop buckets of water from above, but I had too many problems finding good camera angles along the watchtower.

A group without any common traits. The stragglers I wasn't able to group. Turns out, they are controlling the base! Haruna and Kureha are flying to intercept, while Aruzeya and Jun keep control from within the base. Yuun, being part Orca, prefers to operate within the waters. And Erika Niwatori... got shot straight in the face.

Finally, VSV hops from float to float for a direct assault! Aikarey measures the situation and formulates a strategy, while Blake Leonheart uses hus chaos magic to give shape to water and walk on it. Suki isn't part of VSV, but she's still in this group to support her boyfriend Blake. Those two are relationship goals.

Estaba enojada saliendo del trabajo... y fui a desquitarme con el saco de box...
— 【✧ShakotsuVT猫耳✧】✿RedebutSoon✿ (@Shakotsu_VT) July 20, 2022
Aun no entiendo como le di una patada a un tubo y termine doblandolo... y no siento dolor aun... aveces la adrenalina te hace inmune por unos minutos... que loco pic.twitter.com/MyLLl9KJ0f

Cambié mi shampoo y me volvieron a aparecer mini taladros en el pelo.
— Viktoria🤍💖 @🚉 (@viktoriastoker) July 23, 2022

Junpei Kino has this project where his streaming channel turns into a raido station, with his sister "Jun" in charge. We usually see her as a DJ, with enormous headphones, but here we see her more as an idol.

A render celebrating Lyra Stella's birthday. If you look behind her, you'll find the silhouette of her previous model. Past looking at the future, while it looks at the present and contemplates what's to come... Also, finding a good camera angle in this map is HELL!

...Wait a minute. That's me! This render was a "Thank You" for those who came to Katsuro's debut!
¡You'll find my socials in the Links page!

It's become a tradition for Amane and I to translate the official Genshin streams live. It's fun, but it can be tiring as well. They air at 6:00 in the morning after all.

Sometimes, collabs are born out of nowhere. There was a day in which Amane decided to put together a 12-person Among Us lobby, and I was "fortunate" enough to be killed by this pair of girls. Curiously, Amane was a shapeshifter in one of those rounds. And she just happened to impersonate Rose.

Minty Queen has two models, representing two stages of her life. ...Given Koikatsu's nature, I find myself more comfortable working with her "Future" self.

One of a few renders I've given a title to. "Party at the End of the World". Originally this was part of a bigger project, but it ended up being a gift for a sister of mine: Ivaneliz. It's still one of my favorites, since it allowed me to actually use the skills I learned watching digital photography videos on YT. Ivis's dark design inspired me to use a wrecked city as a backdrop, and I decided to use Westopolis, from Shadow the Hedgehog, as a base. Still, despite her edgy design, Ivis is actually a cheerful girl that's always laughing. I can easily picture her finding reasons to celebrate even in the darkest of days.

Minecraft mods can be very, very interesing. This render is based on an occasion when Royal and Shion were playing in a medieval Minecraft server. Turns out, you could even pick your race! ...Sadly, Elder Dragons are harmed by water. Please save the otaku jokes. She's heard them all already.

A birthday present for Jin Mori, the ultimate anime protagonist. I've always liked crossovers, and found the idea of a world in which characters from different shows or games meet each other interesting. How would their stories change then? Sadly, it seems this concept can only live on in fan projects.

I owe the idea for this to Alex Gho2t. Just hearing Mia and Rose's names and the phrase "She wants to order" paints the picture by itself. I gotta thank Rokioto as well for making the original scene and saving me a couple of hours!

Another year, another Independence Day celebration. I originally wanted to vary the clothes, but ended up repeating the same getup as last year due to a lack of time. Here's where I found out it's fun to put Katsuro in uncomfortable situations, as long as he's surrounded by friends. Jun's steaming blush is worth gold, as is Latte's efforts to hold back her laughter. Code's fabulous dancing adds a lot more flavor to the piece. Finally... I didn't want Aru to be alone this year, but I didn't know who to pair her off with. So, I dragged her along into my group!

The strongest get to be the gatekeepers. So, we got Riten's intimidating physique, Royal's knightly build, and Shako's pipe, bending legs.

I still can't believe Erika and Pierrot have almost the same height. This was the moment I realized our Space Chicken was pocket-sized. ...I still don't have the time to update Pierrot's model to her current standards...

Out of everyone in Love Seasons, only 3 are of Mexican origin. But it's always fun seeing them together. They all know each other from a ways back, and the depth of their bond is easily visible. They really are family.

We all have our waifus and husbandos. For Lena, the top spot goes to Venti, from Genshin Impact. For that same reason, she doesn't get along with La Signora, as she stole his Gnosis. ...That said, whenever Lena needs to blow off some steam, she goes to fight her. It isn't hard to imagine another world where they were good friends. "So, what did he do this time? You can always confide on me."

Part of a render commemorating a surprise appearance of Maple Henshoku in Lena Summers's channel. They had a collab playing Genshin, and the fight with Tartaglia seemed straight out of an anime.

These scenes were my first attempt at a "Battle Damage" effect. It's surprising what you can do smudging circles and playing with the alpha.

I think this is the first time I've shown the lotus flower in Maple's hair in full details. It's surprising what can be done playing with textures and clown noses.

Me volví ninja de tanto esquivar spoilers de la 3.2
— 🌸Amane Sakura🌸-Vtuber- (@AmanePrimavera) October 11, 2022

I'm not totally sure I captured Latte's new style in this model. But the passage of time is definitely felt. She said it herself. "No more little Latte". She's grown. And that's what I wanted to represent in this render. Nostalgia and hope at the same time.

I can't believe I finished PinkStar's model right as she announced a pause in her VTuber activities. I didn't know what she was dealing with, but still rendered her to wish her the best of luck. The reference to Lo-Fi girl is obvious, and that's because her DJ activities still continue. So drop by for some Jazz'n'Love, through Isekai Anime Radio! Mondays at 8:00 pm Central! Also, shoutouts to Jafuwu on Discord for the scene!

How appropriate for a succubus to have her birthday and her streaming anniversary on Halloween. And all that coordinated with a new model, too! We didn't get any Trick or Treaters this year, so at least this gave me a reason to celebrate. The outfit and inspiration came from a piece of fanart drawn by The_Kurieta.

This Halloween, Aruzeya decided to dress up as a Zombie, and I tried to recreate her costume as texturing practice. Being able to tear clothes opens up many possibilites for action scenes. For this, I used the same technique as for the wounds in Lena's and Maple's bodies a few renders back, only deleting the content instead of leaving the red splotch. And even as a monster, Aruzeya's adorable. XD

I can't believe how close I was to recreating Rose's design. The amount of details Mama Sese added to her design made this a headache, and I'm sure I wasn't able to recreate every single part of it, like the chains or her right sleeve. Yet, under Rose's eyes, it seems I did a fine enough job. I guess it's true that the creator focuses a bit too much on their mistakes and needs the input of others to recognize their acheivements sometimes.

"9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors" is my favorite Visual Novel of all time. I'm glad I found someone else that knows it. Thus, I figured having Erika cosplay June would be a good birthday present.

This last Halloween, Mia Paprika cosplayed Blazblue's Rachel Alucard. I figured this was a good excuse to take some pictures, this time in the company of Rose Azuki, dressed up as Nine the Phantom!

It took me WAY too long to refine Jun Kino's model for this render. It was a hassle finding the adequate patterns, as well as the right hue of blue for her to look vibrant. But I think I achieved something rather cool!

That weird moment when you end up in someone's harem... It's always fun shipping Katsuro with Jun (I think Junpei came up with the idea in the first place), but Yukki adding me to her collection was a surprise! I think it all started with a modded game of Civilization V where I played as Zhongli...? All I know is, for a moment, I felt like Anthy Himemiya.

Finding out Lyra Stella was a Poketuber was quite a surprise! I've always liked the character designs in the sagam and given Lyra's links to Amourshipping, I figured a set of Kalos cosplays was in order!

...Sorry, but I ain't translating the context for this render. I teared up last time I read it, and I ain't about to experience those bittersweet memories again. You'll have to check the spanish section for this one.

It's become a tradition in Lena Summers's channel to play with BrantSteele's Hunger Games Simulator. There was once a time when Maple, the cutest of the group, MASSACRED everyone.

Birthday present for Melodhy Bluu. Inspired by the lyrics to a song. "La Calle de las Sirenas" by Kabah.

Last model of 2022! I originally wanted Muna to be my first work of 2023, but she ended up closing the year instead. Still a fitting honor, I'd say. I can't wait for her next Mario Kart tournament! Now, the question is... Will it happen before I organize something with the Toybox GP?