Welcome, welcome all! People call me Ayano, and I'm a lot of things. Stuffed turtle, VTuber, Mexican, Engineer, Amateur Game Dev, 3D renderer, fan of a thousand and one things... Anyway, the more you live, the more complex one's life can get.
The internet is an amazing tool that has allowed us to grow as a species, trading knowledge at such an enormous magnitude... And yet, comparing the net today to yesteryear, I feel it's become harder to find fun places, and more and more often I find myself going back to the usual sites instead of exploring. But after finding out about this site, I found the idea of taking a little piece of the internet for myself rather appealing. It's not a particularly big motivation, but I find these small projects to be those that yield the greatest results with time. At least, that's how it's been throughout my life.
Site's still in construction, so I might add a few more things as time goes on. Stay alert!
Updated 2023 renders page.
Added a new section! A tool to connect Streamer.bot to VTube Studio! Head over to the "VTS Deck" section up top to download!
English translation added to the entire site!
Updated DL link in the Toybox GP page to point to the most recent version of SRB2Kart's Github.
Added more artists to the Links page.
Removed live feed from the ToyboxGP page because Juicer refuses to update. Looking for alternatives.
Added a live news feed to the Toybox GP page.
Split the Renders section into yearly pages to improve load times.
Tranferred renders to Imgur to optimize space usage within Neocities itself.
Updated the Renders section. Added a few works from November... And a little something I needed to get off of my chest.
Version 1.0 finished and uploaded to Neocities.