If you wanna see any of these in a larger resolution, just open them in a new tab!
Whenever possible, below each render, you'll find links to the social networks where you'll find the people illustrated in them. Please give them some love!

The render that started it all! I no longer remember the scene I used as a base, though. I had already spent a couple of years modelling characters for myself, and I saw someone like somebody else's render, so I thought "Why not share my own?"

A render for Amane Sakura, who once said she wanted to be "Latin America's Hatsune Miku". I thought it was a fun idea to immortalize, and used Miku Fest 2021 as an excuse for it.

There's this local joke among members and fans of VTuber group "Love Seasons" that Maple Henshoku usually steals Amane's cake. There was also a time when Maple was playing the original DDLC on Twitch, and we witnessed Sayori stealing Natsuki's cookies. So, this scene just wrote itself.

I think I remember something about Nymphy Stoker (nowadays known as Viktoria Stoker) being so short that she could very well fall inside the washing machine on laundry day, so...

A render to celebrate Latte Ai's 2k followers. It's her character's then-current 2D design, wearing the clothes of her original VRoid model. ...I actually wasn't around to see that first stage of her VTuber life, but that design lives on in clips. I thought it appropriate to mix both designs for such an occasion, as past and future blend together.

A render to celebrate Viktoria Stoker's redebut, with a model drawn by Rouss Black. It's shocking when a friend suddenly becomes your VTuber sister. She actually still used her old name back then, but nowadays I prefer using it for her old model, drawn by Waririn.

With an eccentric look and cheerful personality, I pictured Pierrot Temps dancing on top of the plaza's gazebo.

Part of a set themed after Mexico's Independence Day. Back then, Latte Ai used a model drawn by Rouss Black, as did Amane Sakura. So, I decided to picture them together. Kind of like a Mother and Daughter deal. I actually first met Latte because of that model (I really, REALLY love Rouss's art), and I'm glad I did! With a contagious laugh and a heart filled with light, she's definitely a person worth gold.

LiriLuna used to be part of Minami Station when I first made this render... I gotta model a few more people from that circle.

Rokka no Yuusha. An anime I knew for little, but marked an important part of my life. And it seems it's the same for Amane. We started rewatching it on Discord back on 2021, but left it unfinished. Still, I thought it would be fun to make a render with Amane and Yukine cosplaying as Naschetanya and Fremy. If anybody reading this finds a good card of Maura Chester, please let me know!

A birthday present for Rose Azuki. One of the reasons I like using Koikatsu is how easy it is to change clothes and cosplay. Since Rose is a succubus, I HAD to dress her up as THE succubus! Morrigan Aensland herself!

Another birthday present, this time for Pierrot Temps. Being a superhero / comic fan herself, I thought it appropriate to use an actual comic panel as a base. Can't say I remember from where it was, but it definitely featured Robin. This render also taught me that the same pose can be "felt" different ways depending on the viewing angle.

Some time back, Amane told us a bit about her job history, and mentiones that her ideal job would be owning a little cafe. I loved the idea of taking a break in a place managed by the 4 seasons themselves, so I rendered it. ...We need a moddable cafe game that lets us add our own staff. Kind of like Idol Manager maybe.

Ah, Kyuupi... Out of the renders I made for her, this is the one I wanted to share the most. I feel like I did a solid job with her poppin' colors, and the "Warning!" pattern on her stockings adds a little touch of happy chaos. Her VTuber avatar has officially been graduated, and her socials have become something more personal, so I'll withhold the links in this case. Still, it's good to know she keeps moving forward.

An attempt to represent Latte Ai's redesign. Still a witch's apprentice, but closer to achieving her goals.

Another talent that no longer exists. "Ceres" was her name. And she was my sister, too! The entire reason this render exists is because a certain track jacket by COSPA, themed after Gundam Hathaway. Since Ceres's lore was sci-fi themed, she seemed like the ideal model for it.

Hanachi and Risa have gone through several models in their VTubing lives. Their most recent versions are basically Magical Girls, and since they're Precure fans, I though a reference to Melody and Rhythm from Suite was in order.

During the Halloween season, Ceres comissioned a drawing of herself as 2B. That was the inspiration for this.

In my mind, "Mia Paprika" is a symbol of persistence. Whatever happens, she keeps moving forward. Sometimes she pauses for health reasons, but she always come back, and we always welcome her in a big way. I made this render to celebrate one such return... Aaaaaand accidentally uploaded an unfinished version to Twitter. The pumpkin was missing in that version.

What better way to celebrate your birthday than by looking at your whole history? Many games have made their way through Latte's channel, and this renders references 5 of the most iconic ones, as well as a few in-jokes. My favorite detail has to be the mustache on that Yoshi egg.

The first time somebody plays DDLC seems to inspire me to render. Here we see Latte inside the literature club, reading tales of knights and dragons. If you wanna see what's inside that book, make sure to join her Discord!

A render from Yuun's transition period, as she left the ES side of the community and made her debut as an EN VTuber. I just started playing around with her clothes and ended up with a cute getup for winter. And that automatically drew a scene in my mind. One cold night, you meet each other at the park and start talking about life.

Aruzeya thought up a drawing contest for the 2021 holidays. Of course, a 3D render wouldn't be able to participate. Still, these times are special for her, so I made a little christmas card to celebrate!

The Qipao saga begins! And of course, it started with Amane, whose love for chinese entertainment was the spark that led me to make this outfit. And this, she had to be the first to model it, too. Still, I wanted it to be something everyone could wear in the long run.

Of course, Yukki had to wear the Qipao with her top husbando, Zhongli. Only then can I picture her wearing something like this.

Third render in the Qipao saga! I knew from the beginning this would look good on Yuun! For the ambience, I wanted something classy, yet dangerous. She is a predator after all.

"On Toward the Stars." A phrase I said in Rose Azuki's chat on December 5th, 2021. The day she became a Twitch partner. A congratulation for the long road walked, and a show of faith in what was left to walk. I didn't expect her mods to echo my exact words later on in the stream, though. Because of that, I can't help but associate Rose with stars now.

...This one's got too many in-jokes to properly translate to English. Sorry!

I was briefed on the design for Love Seasons' Lena Summers long before her debut, and spent MONTHS waiting for the chance to show her off in a render! I am deeply thankful for being entrusted with this knowledge.

A birthday present for Melodhy Bluu. I believe the inspiration behind it is clear enough. ...I don't think she actually plays the guitar, but I love the mental image of this mermaid relaxing bu the beach, playing a song from her heart.

I wasn't able to use Mimibits's model for long before she rebranded. I've gotta update her to her current standards ASAP!

No matter how you look at it, risking the fate of your country by faking your death and making deals with the Fatui is risking too much.